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Just by playing the Heart Sutra, it seems to seep into the sleeping spirits (as if it were seeping into the earth) (regardless of faith). It also goes for the "hidden ones" in the Bible. It's like they're listening to it while they're asleep. The active spirits seem to feel at peace.
While I was comforting and treating the spirits of the hybrid kids who had wet themselves after being yelled at by an evil spirit (a white MI6 spirit), the Buddha appeared and purified and softened the place where the children were sitting, turning them into lotus seats. While I was offering the service, the area around the children became bright with pure light.
The merits of compassion meditation are wonderful, but the kids must be Tathagatas. On this day, the Buddha also conveyed liberation to certain people who appeared to me. In Buddhism, they have already escaped the game of reincarnation and reached the goal.
I am making cushions for the spirits of the hybrid kids, and I always tell them, "I want to see you Japanese hybrid kids sitting side by side at the sunken kotatsu."
Agents and operatives who sacrifice children for themselves while they are alive, even if they are their own children, are despicable even after death.
They are Satanists because they are deliberately aiming for the fruition of their children. That is the nature of agents and operatives. Otherwise they would not be in that profession. It is their own karma. I will bind them in the name of Jesus and send them to hell.
The Chine*e Communist Party's treatment of Tibetan monks is well known (arresting monks and forcing them to have sex with each other), but they never admit their shame (orgies, torture and public display for entertainment), and they also defile sacred beings to escape personal punishment, retribution, and torture.